Digital Deception: Unmasking Application Fraud in the GenAI Era
Date & Time
Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
David Barnhardt

In the digital age, the financial industry is grappling with a pressing issue—application fraud. Fraud operators’ use of generative AI tools is escalating, posing a significant challenge for financial institutions (FIs) striving to maintain a positive customer experience and minimize losses.

This session is designed to equip you with the knowledge of how FIs and vendors leverage new technologies and processes to combat this emerging threat of application fraud. Key topics include the following:

  • Is identity fraud evolving faster than prevention tools?
  • How is application fraud evolving with the use of GenAI tools?
  • Combining technology with robust verification processes
  • Looking to the future to predict the new normal