Thursday, October 10, 2024
3:05 PM - 3:45 PM (EDT)
Laying the Groundwork for Success: Cultivating the Next Generation of Financial Advisors

Survey data indicate that as many as 20% of all financial advisors may retire within the next five years. The looming wave of retirements is creating a new urgency among wealth managers to attract and develop next-gen talent—‘career switchers’ new to the industry and young professionals with an established practice—who will fill the gap created by retiring advisors.

This panel will examine how leading firms in the industry are identifying and developing the next generation of financial advisors. Issues to be discussed include the following:

  • Strategies for identifying and attracting high-potential advisors, including ‘career switchers’ and younger established advisors
  • The characteristics of an ideal next-gen advisor
  • What makes for effective advisor development programs
  • The role of mentoring in advisor development
  • Transitioning practices to next-gen advisors