Tuesday, November 19, 2024
1:45 PM - 2:25 PM
Track 2 Presentations - 1) The Future Now: Steering Your Bank into the Digital Age and 2) Driving Customer Innovation Through CVCs

The Future Now: Steering Your Bank into the Digital Age

Learn about Bank of Georgia’s transition from traditional banking to a digital-first approach. Discover the strategies and innovations that have transformed customer interactions and raised awareness of products and services across digital channels. Explore the impact of user experience (UX) and discuss future plans for further digital evolution.

Robert Chaundy, Manager, RBR Data Services, Datos Insights 
Chris Allen, Senior Associate, RBR Data Services, Datos Insights 

Maia Gorgiladze, Deputy CDO, Bank of Georgia, Georgia

Driving Customer Innovation Through CVCs

Corporate venture capital, the investment of corporate funds directly into external startups, has helped corporations deploy successful innovation strategies. CVC is used in several top-end companies, such as Intel and Google, generating outstanding strategic and financial returns. However, several companies, including TotalEnergies, Microsoft's M12, and Verizon, have started paring down their portfolios. Is CVC dying then? Can it still help you transform your organization? If so, how do you structure a successful corporate venture capital fund so that it achieves your specific, established goals?

Robert Chaundy, Manager, RBR Data Services, Datos Insights 
Chris Allen, Senior Associate, RBR Data Services, Datos Insights 

Philippe Daoust, Managing Director and Head of Innovation, National Bank of Canada, Canada