Tuesday, November 19, 2024
9:15 AM - 9:55 AM
Keynote Presentation - Why Big Banks Beat Big Tech
Why Big Banks Beat Big Tech
For years, everyone has forecast the end of banking due to technology. It hasn't happened, has it? Will it? No! The reason is that banking is far more complicated than technology - after all, do you really think bankers asked for four million pages of regulation to operate? This presentation delves into the depths of banking past, present and future and comes up with a surprising conclusion in that big banks might always beat big tech, but there's another threat out there that might beat big banks. What is it?
David Albertazzi, Director, Retail Banking & Payments Practice, Datos Insights
Tom Hutchings, Head of RBR Data Services, Datos Insights
Chris Skinner, CEO, The Finanser, UK