Date & Time
Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Roundtable - Navigating Innovation During the Age of AI: The Intersection of Technology, Customer Experience, and Operational Efficiency in Lending and Deposits (presented by Amount) RSVP Required

Navigating Innovation During the Age of AI: The Intersection of Technology, Customer Experience, and Operational Efficiency in Lending and Deposits

To align the credit application experience with customers' expectations, financial institutions need to orchestrate their processes and use AI techniques such as machine learning to target their offers, streamline the application process, manage credit risk, and advance the customer relationship.  This roundtable discussion, co-moderated by Ron van Wezel Strategic Advisor, Datos Insights and Kevin Trilli, Chief Product and Technology Officer, Amount, will enable participants to explore the most effective ways to leverage AI technology and how to balance innovation with regulatory compliance.

Ron van Wezel, Strategic Advisor, Datos Insights
Kevin Trilli, Chief Product and Technology Officer, Amount

Participation limited to financial institutions.